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PhD degree in Public Law at Law Faculty of University of Coimbra.
Professor at University of Minho Law School and Director of Administrative Law Master.
Researcher at JusGov, Center for Research in Justice and Governance, University of Minho Law School.
Member of the editorial board of the magazine: Cadernos de Justiça Administrativa e Questões Actuais de Direito Local.
Has experience of participating in European research projects on topics involving the application of Information and Communication Technologies.
Author of monographs and scientific articles in the area of administrative law and administrative organization and in particular in the fields of smart cities, public contracting law, administrative organization law and administrative procedural law.: Estudos de Direito das Autonomias Locais, Coimbra, Gestlegal, 2020; Isabel Fonseca (ed.), E.Governação), Transparência e Proteção de Dados, JusGov, 2021 (Almedina, Coimbra)
Born in 1960 is Associate Professor at Department of Information Systems in the School of Engineering of University of Minho since 1998. Holds a PhD on Informatics (Information Systems) from University of Minho in 1995, and a degree (Licenciatura) in Systems Engineering and Informatics also from University of Minho where he is teaching since 1984. He was awarded the Descartes Prize – National Institute of Administration, 1995.
Researches and teaches to undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the areas of Information Systems Planning, Information Systems Management and the Information Society, especially in the field of Public Administration.
Researcher at the Algoritmi Centre. Scientific Coordinator of GÁVEA – Laboratory for Study and Development of the Information Society. Project Coordinator of DeGóis (National Information Service for Science & Technology). He was coordinator at the University of Minho Project e-U (Virtual Campus national initiative). Advisor for Management Information Systems to XIII Constitutional Portuguese Government. Advisor to the UMIC e-Government Action Plan from 2003 to 2005. Founding member of APSI (Portuguese Association for Information Systems) and APDSI (Association for the Promotion and Development of the Information Society). Coordinator of the Network of Houses of Knowledge since its constitution in January 2013. Director of the Cultural Unit House of Knowledge of the University of Minho. Elected member of the General Council of the University of Minho since October 2013.
Director of Information Systems Department, University of Minho from March 2005 to December 2006 and from June 2010 to July 2012. Coordinator of Portuguese Universities Foundation for the affairs of East Timor since 2011. Pró-Rector of University of Minho between July 2006 and October 2009. President of the National College of Informatics (Order of Engineers) from 2010 to 2016. Chairman of Engineering School Council from 24 January 2013 until 2016. Elected member of the General Council of the University of Minho since October 2013. Advisory Board Member of TICE.PT, National Competitiveness Pole for Information Technologies. Chairman of the Board of the CCG – Computer Graphics Center from September 2005 until March 2020.
PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Aveiro with the Technical University of Denmark.
She was an Analyst for Sustainability at the United Nations, member of the Scientific Council of the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering and Professor at the Portucalense University and the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo. She is a researcher at GeoBioTec, a laboratory that develops interdisciplinary studies including biology, materials and remote sensing.
She is founder and director of FICIS – International Forum of Intelligent and Sustainable Communities (www.ficis.pt), which takes place annually in Portugal, since 2015 and for three days brings together universities, companies, people and mayors of invited cities.
The team will also benefit from the support and advice provided by external consultants, long time collaborators of the PI and other team members. These are Fernanda Paula Oliveira (University of Coimbra), María Gómez Jiménez (University of Malaga), Beatriz Belando Garín (University of Valencia), Lilian Moreira Pires (PUC-São Paulo), Marcos Almeida Cerreda (University of Santiago de Compostela).
Paulo Novais is a Full Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Informatics, the School of Engineering, the University of Minho (Portugal) and a researcher at the ALGORITMI Centre in which he is the leader of the research group ISLab – Synthetic Intelligence lab, and the coordinator of the research line Computer Science and Technology (CST).
He is the director of the PhD Program in Informatics and co-founder and Deputy Director of the Master in Law and Informatics at the University of Minho.
He started his career developing scientific research in the field of Intelligent Systems/Artificial Intelligence (AI), namely in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Machine Learning and Multi-Agent Systems. His interest, in the last years, was absorbed by the different, yet closely related, concepts of Ambient Intelligence/Ambient Assisted Living, Conflict Resolution, Behavioural Analysis and the incorporation of AI methods and techniques in these fields.
His main research aim is to make systems a little smarter, intelligent and also reliable.
He is the co-author of over 400 book chapters, journal papers, conference and workshop papers and books.
President of General Assembly and Former president of APPIA (the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence) between 2016 and 2019, Senior member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), Member of the IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) – TC 12 Artificial Intelligence and of the executive committee of the IBERAMIA (IberoAmerican Society of Artificial Intelligence), and Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the Gulbenkian Scholarship Program “New Talent in Artificial Intelligence” of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
He has served as an expert of several institutions such as EU Commission and FCT (Portuguese agency that supports science, technology and innovation).
PhD in Public Law, University of Coimbra.
Professor at the Law School of UMinho lecturing EU law, Constitutional law, Human/Fundamental Rights, Personal data protection to all cycles of study.
Director of Master in EU Law of UMinho. Jean Monnet Chair holder (EU Law).
Researcher at JusGov, Center for Research in Justice and Governance, University of Minho Law School.
Academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet project INTEROP – “EU Digital Single Market as a political calling: interoperability as the way forward” (2017-2019). Key staff Member of the Jean Monnet Module eUjust – “EU Procedure and credits’ claims: approaching electronic solutions under e-Justice paradigm” (2019-2022). She was speaker at the biennial Jean Monnet conference “30 years of Jean Monnet activities – EU studies in the digital age” (panel “Europe: facing the digital challenge”), organized by European Commission, Brussels/Belgium (18.11.2019).
Director of UNIO – EU Law Journal, an open access online peer-reviewed journal, and its blog (The Official Blog – Thinking and Debating Europe): https://revistas.uminho.pt/index.php/unio/; https://officialblogofunio.com/about/
She has a very extensive list of publications on the subject, in peer reviewed magazines and with national and foreign publishers of reference.
Revista de Direito, Estado e Telecomunicações, Universidade de Brasília (UnB), vol. 9, N. 1, 2017.
Joana Rita Sousa Covelo de Abreu is Professor at the Law School of UMinho since 2021, lecturing EU law, Human/Fundamental Rights, Personal data protection to all cycles of study.
Academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet project Jean Monnet “eUjust – EU Procedure and credits’ claims: Approaching electronic solutions under e-Justice paradigm”.
Since January 2018, she is an expert appointed by the European Commission – Directorate General for Justice and Consumers – on the modernisation of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters (revision of Regulation 1393/2007 on the service of documents and Regulation 1206/2001 on the cross-border taking of evidence).
Between September 2017 and August 2019, she was the researcher responsible for the scientific component of the Jean Monnet INTEROP Project – “EU Digital Single Market as a political calling: interoperability as the way forward”, financed by the European Commission.
She has a very extensive list of publications on the subject, in peer reviewed magazines and with national and foreign publishers of reference, for example: Joana Covelo de Abreu et al. (eds.), O Contencioso da União Europeia e a Cobrança Transfronteiriça de Créditos: Compreendendo as Soluções Digitais à Luz do Paradigma da Justiça Eletrónica Europeia (e-Justice), Coleção UNIO E-book, 2020; Joana Covelo de Abreu, “Os serviços públicos digitais na União Europeia: A interoperabilidade administrativa e a e-Saúde (eHealth)”, in Maria Miguel Carvalho (ed.), Yearbook eTec 2019: Direito da Saúde & Tecnologia, EDUM, 2019;
Vice President and Assistant Professor at the University of Minho Law School. She is also: Director of the Professional Exits Office; Member of the Scientific Council of the Law School, Member of the Law Degree Course Committee, Member of the Master’s Committee on the Law on Children, Family and Successions, and the LLM’s European and Transglobal Business Law Steering Committee.
PhD degree at Law School of the University of Minho (2012); Masters degree at the Law Faculty of the University of Coimbra (2003); graduate of the Law School (LS) of the University of Minho (1999).
Principal research interests are: Civil Law; Private international law; International Civil Procedure; Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial Matters; Data Protection.
Appointed external expert of the European Commission to assess the projects submitted to the European Commission under JUSTICE program, including projects submitted in the context of judicial cooperation in civil matters, since 2015.
Appointed by the European Commission for the European Research Council (ERC) to be remote referee to evaluate frontier research proposals until the end of the Horizon 2020 Framework Program.
Assistant Professor at the University of Minho Law School. PhD degree at Law School of the University of Minho (2012).
She has a very extensive list of publications on the subject, in peer reviewed magazines and with national and foreign publishers of reference, for example: “Algumas questões sobre o Regulamento Geral de Proteção de dados e as relações de trabalho”, in O Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados e as Relações de Trabalho, Estudos APODIT, volume VI (coordenação Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho e Teresa Coelho Moreira), AAFDL, 2020; “As novas tecnologias e a proteção de dados pessoais dos trabalhadores em Portugal”, in Los Derechos Humanos y la protección de los trabajadores en una era disruptiva, Homenaje a la OIT en sus 100 años de creación, alderabán, Espanha, 2020; “A desconexão dos trabalhadores: direito ou dever”, in O Mundo do Trabalho e a 4.ª Revolução Industrial – Homenagem ao Professor Márcio Túlio Viana, em co-autoria com JOÃO LEAL AMADO, Tirant lo Blanch, Brasil, 2020.
António D. Costa, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at Department of Informatics, University of Minho, Portugal, where he develops teaching and research activities in the fields of Computer Networks and Computer Communications since 1992. As a researcher, he currently integrates the Computer Communications and Networks (CCN) research group, at Centro Algoritmi, School of Engineering, University of Minho. He graduated in Systems and Informatics Engineering in 1992, obtained an MSc Degree in Informatics in 1998 and a PhD Degree in Computer Science in 2006 at the same university. He participated in several research projects, supervised MSc and PhD students, and co-authored more than sixty peer-reviewed papers in the areas of Computer Communications, Computer Networks, Routing Protocols, Network Services, Quality of Service, P2P, IoT and Network Management. His current research interests are in Indoor Positioning, Vehicular Networks, mobile AdHoc networks, disruptive Delay Tolerant Networks, Named Data Networks, Internet of Things and future Internet.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0691-1377
SCOPUS: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=14021196500
PUBLONS: https://publons.com/researcher/1178461/antonio-duarte-costa/
Cesar Analide is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics of the School of Engineering of the University of Minho, and a researcher and founder member of ISLab – Synthetic Intelligence Laboratory (islab.di.uminho.pt), a branch of the ALGORITMI research centre (algoritmi.uminho.pt).
He has completed his Master in Computer Science in 1997 in the University of Minho and, from the same university, he received his PhD in Computer Science in 2004.
In the research centre ALGORITMI, he develops work in the Computer Science and Technology (CST) research line (algoritmi.uminho.pt/research-teams/cst), in which he is a senior member of the Synthetic Intelligence Lab (algoritmi.uminho.pt/research-teams/islab).
He is an Artificial Intelligence researcher for more than 25 years and his main interests are in the fields of Intelligent Agents, Sensorization and Data Science, with application to domains such as Computational Sustainability and Smart Cities.
He has participated in several research projects sponsored by Portuguese and European public and private Institutions and has supervised several PhD and MSc students.
He is the co-author of over 50 book chapters, journal papers, conference and workshop papers and books.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7796-644X
Scopus Author ID: 6504173125
ResearcherID: N-2465-2013
Francisco António Carneiro Pacheco de Andrade is Professor at the University of Minho Law School (EDUM). Director of Law & Informatic Master, since 2011.
PhD degree in Private Law at University of Minho, in 2009. in 1996, finished the MSc in Electronic Information Management, at Department of Information Studies da Universidade de Sheffield, in the United Kingdom. He has extensive experience as a teacher in key areas of cyber security such as privacy and personal data protection, e-signature, e-commerce, electronic data transfer and telecommunications services. He also has a very extensive list of publications on the subject, in peer reviewed magazines and with national and foreign publishers of reference. for example: Francisco Pacheco de Andrade et al., “EDI for consumers, personal assistants and ambient intelligence: The right to be forgotten”, in Ângelo Costa et al. (eds.), Personal Assistants: Emerging Computational Technologies, Springer, 2017; Teresa Coelho Moreira e Francisco Pacheco de Andrade, “Personal data and surveillance: The danger of the «Homo Conectus»”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, vol. 21, 2016; Francisco Andrade e Pedro Freitas, “«Agentes» de software, intencionalidade e dolo”, in AAVV, Liber Amocorum Manuel Simas Santos, Rei dos Livros, 2016; Francisco Andrade, “Questões de confiança e de reputação: Da boa fé dos «agentes» de software aos «smart contracts»”, Temas de Direito Privado, nº 1, 2015
PhD at School of Law of the University of Minho-EDUM, in the area of public law (2019). Master’s Degree in Law at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, in the area of Law, State and Society (2011). Law Degree from Universidade Franciscana-UFAN (2006). Specialization in Methodology of Higher Education-Avents (2012).
Academic Director of the Brazilian Network of Intelligent and Human Cities.
Member of the Center for Studies and Research in CHICS and member of the Research Center for Justice and Governance (JusGov/UM): Interdisciplinary Center for Human Rights-CIIDH/UM.
Performance in the areas of Public Transparency and Access to Information, Data Protection, Intelligent Cities, Open Government and Evaluation of Government Portals;
Review of scientific journals at the (inter)national level and as Coordinator of the Indicators Project of the Brazilian Network of Intelligent, Human and Sustainable Cities.
Publication of articles related to the subject: intelligent cities, data protection, public transparency and popular participation: Thesis: Intelligent Cities: Proposal of regulatory modeling for participatory governance, in the Luso-Brazilian context Link: http://repositorium.sdum.uminho.pt/handle/1822/65702
University Professor at: Faculdades Esucri- escola Superior de Criciúma – ESUCRI /2015-2016); BARDDAL – Faculdade de Florianópolis | Grupo UNIESP (2014-2016); Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense – UNESC (2012-2016), Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC (2011-2013)
She is author and coordinator of many publications on these subjects.

Advogado e Geógrafo. Pós-doutor em Direito (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, UFMG) e doutor em Geografia (Universidade de Brasília, UnB). Doutorando em Direito (Universidade de Coimbra, FDUC). Mestre em Direito e em Geografia, ambos pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP). Atuou na investigação: (i) como Pesquisador da Chaire Normandie pour la Paix junto a Université Caen Normandie; (ii) como Professor Colaborador Sénior, junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia da Universidade de Brasília (UnB); (iii) como Investigador da rede “Just Side – Justiça e Sustentabilidade no Território para promoção de justiça territorial e sustentabilidade das políticas públicas”, coordenado pelo Instituto Jurídico da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra (FDUC); e (iv) como professor de Direito da Energia na Universidade Candido Mendes (UCAM/RJ). Tem artigos e livros publicados sobre Direito Administrativo Geográfico e Direito da Energia. Ocupou funções de gestão em diversas empresas, associações e órgãos públicos do setor elétrico, do aeroportuário e de concessões de rodovias. Desenvolveu trabalhos como consultor do José Pedro Aguiar-Branco Advogados e como Fundador do portal Geocracia. Atualmente é investigador do Centro de Investigação em Justiça e Governação (JusGov) da Escola de Direito da Universidade do Minho.

Doutoramento em Direito Público pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos)
Doutor em Direito Público na Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos) – São Leopoldo/RS (2020); Mestre em Direito Constitucional pela Instituição Toledo de Ensino – Bauru/SP (2008); Bacharel em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito de Bauru – SP (2001).
Professor e Coordenador do Curso de Direito das Faculdades Integradas de Bauru – FIB (Brasil), com atuação nas seguintes áreas: Filosofia do Direito, Direito Humanos, Direito Empresarial, Direito à Cidade e Smart Cities.
Autor de monografias e artigos científicos na área do direito à cidade, smart cities, direitos humanos e direitos fundamentais, em particular: A Ressignificação do Direito à Cidade a partir dos Direitos Humanos: as Smart Cities como um espaço para garantir a qualidade de vida das pessoas com deficiência, Blumenau/SC, Editora Dom Modesto, 2021.

Jose Ramon Saura tem doutoramento internacional em Ciências Sociais e Direito na Universidade London South Bank, Harvard Business School e Rey Juan Carlos University. A investigação de Jose Ramon Saura centrou-se nos conhecimentos teóricos e práticos de vários aspectos do Marketing Digital e do Conteúdo Gerado pelo Utilizador (UGC), com um enfoque específico em torno de três grandes abordagens de investigação aplicadas ao negócio digital e ao marketing: mineração de dados, descoberta de conhecimento e ciências da informação. José Ramon Saura ocupou posições e realizou consultoria em empresas, incluindo Google, Deloitte, L’Oréal, Telefónica ou MRM//McCann, entre outras. A sua investigação centrou-se nos conhecimentos teóricos e práticos de vários aspectos dos dados e conteúdos gerados pelo utilizador (UGD – UGC), com um enfoque específico em três grandes abordagens de investigação aplicadas aos negócios e ao marketing: mineração de dados, descoberta de conhecimento, e ciências da informação. A sua investigação tem aparecido em revistas internacionais de líderes de negócios, governo electrónico, marketing, gestão e ciências da informação, tais como Government Information Quarterly, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, Technovation, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Big Data Rsearch, Computer Communications, entre outras.

PhD degree in Public Law at Law Faculty of Lisbon University.
Invited Professor at ISCAL – Lisbon Accounting and Business School and at UCM – Catholic University of Mozambique.
PhD degree at Law Faculty of the Lisbon University (2017); Master degree at the IMO IMLI – International Maritime Law Institute (2015); Master degree at the Law Faculty of the Lisbon University (2009); graduate of the Law Faculty of the Lisbon University (2004).
Author of monographs and scientific articles in the area of administrative law and environmental law.
Winer of the Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano Prize with the article entitled “ARTE(FICIAL): Works created by Artificial Intelligence and its impacts on the concept of the work of art and copyright”.

Research Fellow at Smart Cities and Law, E. Governance and Rights. Researcher at JusGov, Center for Research in Justice and Governance, University of Minho Law School.
Member of the editorial board of the Magazine “Culturas Jurídicas” (Q2).
Ph.D. candidate in Public Law at Law School of the University of Minho.
Master’s degree in Constitutional Law at Universidade Federal Fluminense, with CAPES scholarship (2019).
Public Law Specialist at Universidade Cândido Mendes (2015).
Law Degree at Universidade Federal Fluminense (2013).
She has been a member of the “Núcleo de Estudos e Projetos Habitacionais Urbanos” (NEPHU-UFF).
She has participated in projects to provide legal advice for needy communities and social movements for the implementation of the right to the city and the right to housing in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
She has been a vice-coordinator of the project “Tá na roda, educação para a cidadania”, which intended to provide citizenship notions to students from underprivileged communities in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
She has been an Assistant Professor at Universidade Estácio de Sá Law School.
She has publications in the area of urbanism, right to the city, right to housing, citizenship and popular participation, smart cities, and Latin American Constitutionalism.

Doctor in Technology and Information Systems from the University of Minho, Portugal. Master in Systems and Computing, Specialist in Information Systems Management, and graduated in Systems of Data Processing.
Certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP) by PMI, Certification in Business Process Professional (CBPP) by ABPMP International, Certification in Internal Quality Audit ISO 9001:2015, Certificate in ITIL Foundations V4 by Axelos Global Best Practices.
He also holds the following certifications in Public Administration from ENAP (National School of Administration Public): Àgil Manager for Digital Transformation, Management Program (Part I and II) and Digital Transformation – Fundamentals.
As of February 2022, he joins the research group as a postdoctoral fellow in the SMART CITIES AND LOW project, by JUSGOV, at the Law School of the University of Minho, Portugal.
ORCID: 0000-0002-8776-3013
RESEARCH ID: P-3623-2014

Research Fellow at the Research Centre for Justice and Governance (JusGov). Invited Assistant at the Law School of the University of Minho.
Master’s in Law – Legal and Administrative Sciences at the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto (2020). Graduated in Law at the Law School of the University of Minho (2017).
Pos-Graduation in Data Protection Law at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Portugal (2019).
ECPC-B Data Protection Officer (DPO) Certification Course at the European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity of the Maastricht University (2020).
Currently, he is developing is PhD thesis, at the Law School of the University of Minho, under the title «Do tratamento de dados pessoais pelas Administrações Públicas – em especial, para o exercício de funções de interesse público ou para o exercício da autoridade pública de que se encontre investido o responsável pelo tratamento».
He also has several publications on the subjects of digital administrative law and data protection, including the book «O Novo Modelo de Proteção de Dados Pessoais Europeu. Da heterorregulação à autorregulação publicamente regulada», Almedina, Coimbra, 2021.
In 2019, he won the 2nd Edition of the Prize «Professor Doutor Fernando Pessoa Jorge», with the work «Da sociedade transparente à sociedade opaca? Algumas nótulas sobre o impacto do RGPD nos planos da transparência e democraticidade da Administração Pública».

Ph.D. candidate in Public Law at Law School of the University of Minho, thesis entitled “The territorial organization of municipalities in Portugal – reasons for a reform?”
Master’s degree in Local Authorities Law at University of Minho Law School. Dissertation entitled “From cross-border cooperation to European groupings of territorial cooperation (legal aspects) (2011).
Postgraduate in European Law Studies at University of Coimbra Law School (2009).
Postgraduate in Diplomatic, European and international affairs at University of Auvergne – Faculty of Law and Political Science (2008).
Law Degree at University of Minho Law School (2004).
Fiscal Council Member of the “Associação de Estudos de Direito Regional e Local” (AEDREL).
Research Fellow at Smart Cities and Law, E. Governance and Rights.
Researcher at JusGov, Center for Research in Justice and Governance, University of Minho Law School.
Researcher at NEDAL – Center for Studies of Local Authorities, University of Minho Law School.
Member of the editorial board of the Magazine “Revista das Freguesias” e “Revista das Assembleias Municipais e Eleitos Locais”.
She has publications publication of articles in scientific journals and book chapters in the area of administrative organization and local government.
She is an opinion maker in a national monthly magazine.
She is a external expert of the platform of european groupings for territorial cooperation of the committee of regions.

PhD in State Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC), Master in State Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC), graduated in Law from the Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Professor of Administrative Law and Urban Planning Law at Mackenzie Presbyterian University.
Presidente da Comissão de Direito Urbanístico da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil – São Paulo.
She has experience in the area of Law, with emphasis on Administrative Law, researching the subject of intelligent cities and regulation, mobility, sustainability.
She has also a very extensive list of publications on the subject, in peer reviewed magazines and with national and foreign publishers of reference.
Phd in Public Law at University of Bolonia
Professor of Administrative Law at university of Santiago de Compotela (USC).
Director of the International Observatory for the Regulation of Public Entities. Director of the Outside Counsel Service of the USC. Director of the Master’s Degree in Data Protection (USC).
Guest Professor at the Università IUAV of Venice (Italy), at the Università di Roma Tre (Italy), at the University of Bologna (Italy), at the University LUM-Bari (Italy), at the University Lusófona (Portugal), at the Universidad del Externado (Colombia), at the University of Piura (Peru), University of Chile (Santiago de Chile), etc.
Researcher in international, national and regional projects on local government, electronic administration, administrative intervention in the economy, social services, public-private collaboration and data protection and author and coordinator of many publications on these subjects.
Phd, tenured Professor of Administrative Law at Valencia University, since 2002.
she is the main coordinator of the Proyecto de investigación: “Desafíos del mercado financiero digital: riesgos para la Administración y los inversores”, ref. MCIU/AEI/FEDERT, UERTI2018-098963-B-100. She has also a very extensive list of publications on the subject, in peer reviewed magazines and with national and foreign publishers of reference, as for an example:
Books (chapters):
- “Ordenanzas de convivencia ciudadana: mediación y medidas sustitutivas ¿dónde están los límites?, en CONVIVENCIA CIUDADANA: MEDIACIÓN, CONCILIACIÓN Y TÉCNICAS DE PREVENCIÓN Y RESOLUCIÓN DEL CONFLICTO CIUDADANO, Iustel, 2018, pp. 57-79:
- Ciudades inteligentes ¿socialmente responsables?, en Campus universitarios inteligentes: Desafíos jurídicos y propuestas en el entorno urbano, Atelier, 2019, pp. 79-89;
- “La conversión de los municipios rurales en territorios inteligentes: los “smart village”, en Inteligencia territorial y regulación económica, 107284 – Aranzadi (Thomson Reuters), 2020, pp. 15- 30.
She participated in several conferences:
- “La tecnología al servicio de la selección del contratista y la vigilancia de los contratos nuevas herramientas y desafíos sin resolver”, en Jornadas Internacionales del estatuto Jurídico a la proyección Social de las Ciudades Inclusivas tecnológicamente adaptadas, Málaga, 2018; “
- Urbanismo con perspectiva de género, en II Jornadas Internacionales. El estatuto Jurídico de las ciudades inteligentes, Málaga, 2019.
Phd, tenured professor of Administrative Law at Malaga University.
Member of the Sustainable Research Group and Directs the Research Group on Sustainable Housing. Founder of the indexed journal WPS-RISHUR, on Urban Sustainability and Urban regeneration and Director of the Publishing collection on Latin American Studies.
Performs also as Assistant Director of the Research Institute of Biotechnology and Blue Economy at Malaga University, while being member of the Research Institute of Smart homes and Energy efficiency.
Her Research activities focus on the areas of: Land Use Law, Housing, Smart homes, Smart cities, Urban Sustainability, Environmental Issues and e- health and Social Services.
She is a member of the Environmental Policies Observatory from the Minister on the topics of Air Quality.
As for Teaching responsibilities She Directs, now during last 15 years the innovative training lab on sustainability at UMA, and the excellence network NEXTRANS.
She has been the first researcher at the Joint Center for Housing Studies de la Universidad de Harvard University in which She has been regularly appointed as visiting researcher and Scientific in the European Law Research Center, Institute for Global Law and Policy, Center for European Studies, Kennedy School of Government and lately the School of Public Health.
Appointed Visiting fellow at outstanding scholar at Bournemouth University (UK), has taught in the Master of Leadership at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, and participates and coordinates projects at international level being also Erasmus coordinator at Malaga.
She has published more than 100 works among papers, books and articles. Actually, She leads an innovative project to protect on the effects of the COVID-19, in the area of social studies, and Teaches regularity in the degree of Social Work and Human Resource Management at the Social Studies School.
PhD degree in Public Law at Univesity of Coimbra
Professor at the University of Coimbra since 1990, where she teaches in the three cycles of studies in Law the curricular units of Administrative Law, Urban Planning Law, Urban Rehabilitation Law, Urban and Environmental Management.
She is a researcher at the Legal Institute of the University of Coimbra Law School.
She has also has a very extensive list of publications on the subject, in peer reviewed magazines and with national and foreign publishers of reference, for example:
- “Transportes e Planeamento Territorial”, in RevCEDOUA, N.º 30, Ano XV, 2.12, p. 9-26;
- Novas Tendências do Direito do Urbanismo. De um Urbanismo de Expansão e de Segregação a um Urbanismo de Contenção, de Reabilitação Urbana e de Coesão Social, Coimbra, Almedina, 2012;
- A Discricionariedade de Planeamento Urbanístico Municipal na Dogmática Geral da Discricionariedade Administrativa, Colecção Teses, Coimbra, Almedina, 2011;
- Notas e Comentários à Revisão do Regime Jurídico dos Instrumentos de Gestão Territorial de 2015, Coimbra, Almedina, 2015.
- Universidade do Minho, Largo do Paço 4700-320 BRAGA
- geral@smartcitiesandlaw.pt
- (+351) 253 601 841
- (+351) 253 601 810